Lifeboat - "Volunteer Spirit"

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Lifeboat crew at work
Lifeboat crew at work
The Invergordon RNLI crew is the local community group who worked with the artist to create our second mural, initially entitled 'THE LIFEBOAT' - the 'DOUGLAS AIKMAN SMITH'.

This mural was again funded by Forward Scotland from the aggregate tax levy.

Blank canvas
Blank canvas

Following the success of his first mural in Invergordon, we were delighted to welcome back the renowned mural artist Ken White.

The lifeboat crew met with Ken to discuss their brief and a draft design was approved.

First stage
First stage

Since 1974 various classes of Lifeboat have served the Invergordon Lifeboat Station.

The mural shows two of these in action, the largest being the present Invergordon Lifeboat, the 'Douglas Aikman Smith'. She is a 14 metre All Weather Trent Class Lifeboat, which cost 1.2 million pounds and was named after her benefactor, a businessman from Dumfries.

Taking shape
Taking shape

She has served the Invergordon Lifeboat Station since May 1996.

The smaller poster picture shows the Waveney Class Lifeboat, 'The White Rose of Yorkshire'. She arrived at Invergordon Lifeboat Station in April 1989 and served there until replaced by the 'Douglas Aikman Smith'. She was launched on service a total of 66 times, saving 10 lives.

Finishing touches
Finishing touches

The Canadian Lifeboat Institution purchased 'The White Rose of Yorkshire' from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution in June 1999 and she now serves Delta Station, Roberts Bank, which is situated just South of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Launch of
Launch of "Volunteer Spirit"

'The Lifeboat' mural has been very well received by the local community and much admired by visitors to the town. It was quite amusing to see the number of people who took photographs posing with an arm around the two 'crew members'.

Flares light up the night sky
Flares light up the night sky


From a visitor to the town - 'Very eye catching and a superb tribute to the Invergordon RNLI. Really brightens up the town.

From a young local school child - 'I think it makes Invergordon look COOL'

Commemorative Plaque
Commemorative Plaque

'Was totally opposed to the mural project initially, but am now fully supportive'.'Fantastic. Really eye catching'

'Lovely mural, very eye catching and an improvement to the town - keep it up'

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