mur_e_010 Pipe Major Burgess
Welcome to the Invergordon off the Wall Image Library website. There are 330 images in the library and 70 visitors comments about them.
This site is not simply a photo gallery. It is a database of folklore and history associated with each picture. All visitors to the site can add their comments about each picture - eg see pic 156. Visitors are also welcome to submit their own pictures - please send these as jpgs to . Filesize no more than 200k please.
A number of albums, each on a theme such as
'Churches' and 'People' can be selected using the drop-down menus at the top of the page. To view images of a particular Mural, click on the Groups link in the top menu. Alternatively, you can search for a specific word in the title or description using the form at the top right of the page.
You can also view the lists by the year the picture was taken. Some of these are guesses - if you know better, or can add some background details, please leave a comment.
But the first thing to do is click the ' My Album' link at the bottom of the page, where you can create your own list of favourite images to make it easy for you to return to them. This also allows you to customise some aspects of the site.
The tables below show lists of the latest pics to be added, the most viewed pics, the pictures most often placed in visitors albums and the most recent comments. You can control the number shown by clicking a different number at the bottom of the 'Top 3 Viewed table.